
Showing posts from January, 2023

Doctor who: the third doctor: a talk Sarah Jane

Looking at the doctor Sarah asked the doctor " do you have Journalist's on Gallifrey? A press? Do you have News on your home planet?" The doctor replied " let's have a talk Sarah Jane, we on Gallifrey automatically know what one another is doing at all times so in a way we are each other's Journalist's, press, and News " Sarah asked" doesn't that get uncomfortable at times?" The doctor replied" sometimes Yes and no, you want to know something Sarah Jane? In the act of extreme political destabilization my people went to Earth and started the meidas touch initiative set up in every legal system the one where it's the most prominent is in the US we figured one day that would be the place all the political systems in the world would crumble leaving the world in chaos and thus extremely heistene the destroy of the Earth" Sarah asked him" well who is the one who put this in place?"the doctor replied" oh Sarah Jane...

doctor who: the second doctor: the janitor

The doctor, vicky, and Jamie were talking about family members and the doctor brought up his son the janitor and raising him and his kids one of them being Susan and talked about how he was just as good as him if not better than him described him saying " his dark green eyes, short light brown Locke's and thin, even facial hair in full, and he was my height exactly always a good lad , we keep in touch". Jamie asked"so what is you're son's title? I'm sure it's fitting." The doctor replied" he figured himself a fixer and cleaner of problems in the universe mainly in America in the State of Kentucky in the county of Rowan, he has an affinity for American culture and his TARDIS stuck in the disguise of a vault so for his title he chose the title of the janitor a title he is proud of and I admire him for sticking with it not to say I don't get mocked for his choosing of that title". Vicky paused and asked" you have a "sonic scr...

Doctor who: the first doctor: conversation

The doctor and his granddaughter Susan and their friends Ian Chesterton and Barbara were talking about how a person can say one thing and then do another and how it's easy for people to distort the truth about thing's despite how untrue it is the people who listen to it and being given evidence of the contrary they will blindly follow that person and believe him or her no matter how nonsensical the thing they say is. Susan wondered why then would anyone do anything for that and she asked her grandfather 'but grandfather isn't that silly? Ian, Barbara how can you humans be so easily manipulated?" Ian and Barbara thinking about this said' well , some people just can't accept that they were wrong". Susan puzzled by this asked ' but wouldn't it be better than to accept rather than deny?* The doctor replied ' my dear Susan if you were to tell someone that and point out with fact based evidence that would only push them further into their false b...